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Possibilities to improve maize harvest index and nutrient utilization efficiency by application of plant growth regulators were investigated. In container experiments, the effects of different growth regulators on the development of the maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars Pioneer 3906 and Fabregas were tested. Paclobutrazol (PAC) and chlorocholine chloride (CCC), two inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis, as well as gibberellic acid (GA3) were applied at growth stage V5. Three weeks after application of PAC, shoot growth of both maize cultivars was strongly affected with a significant decrease in plant height in the PAC treatment by 44% and 36% for Pioneer 3906 and Fabregas, respectively. The growth‐retarded plants had higher leaf areas and reduced transpiration rates. The higher shoot growth after GA3 application was accompanied by a reduction in leaf area and an increase in transpiration rate during 1 week before anthesis. CCC treatment showed no significant effects on plant height, leaf area and transpiration rate. The PAC‐treated cultivar Pioneer 3906 produced several cobs per plant, which were mainly barren at maturity. However, PAC application to Fabregas resulted in just one cob per plant with good kernel development and a grain yield, which was not significantly reduced in comparison with the control. With this similar grain yield in combination with a straw yield decrease of 32%, the harvest index was significantly improved by 12%. In addition, with PAC‐treated Fabregas plants, a 19% increased water use efficiency of the grain (WUEgrain) during the critical period of kernel setting was achieved. In this maize cultivar, CCC application also improved harvest index by 5%, but no effect on WUEgrain occurred. GA3 treatment decreased harvest index of both maize cultivars, and it either reduced WUEgrain (Pioneer 3906) or showed no effect (Fabregas). Utilization efficiencies of N, P and K were not increased with growth regulator application, even in the PAC‐treated Fabregas plants with a significantly improved allocation of assimilates to the grain, mirrored by the higher harvest index. The results indicate that fertilizer applications must be adjusted to the reduced demand of growth‐retarded plants, most likely leading to higher nutrient utilization efficiencies.  相似文献   
Field experiments were conducted to study soil properties, soil enzymes activities, water use efficiency (WUE) and crop productivity after six years of soya bean straw mulching in the semi‐arid conditions of China. The experiment included four treatments: CK (Control), N (240 kg N ha‐1), H (soya bean straw mulching at half rate 700 kg ha‐1 with 240 kg N ha‐1) and F (soya bean straw mulching at full rate 1,400 kg ha‐1 with 240 kg N ha‐1). Soil organic carbon (SOC), soil labile organic carbon (LOC), soil available N (AN), available P (AP) and enzyme activities were analysed after wheat harvesting in 2016 and 2017. Results show that straw amounts had positive effects on the soil fertility indices being higher for treatment F. The SOC, LOC, AN, AP and enzyme activities (i.e. saccharase, urease and alkaline phosphatase) were in the order of F > H > N > CK. High wheat grain yield and WUE were observed for F treatment. A total of six years mulching along with 240 kg ha‐1 nitrogen fertilizer application is sufficient for wheat yield stability and improving soil properties except urease activities in the semi‐arid condition of China. However, the straw mulching amount should be further studied with minimum nitrogen fertilizer for an environment‐friendly and effective approach for improving the soil biological properties with adequate crop production on a sustainable basis in the semi‐arid region of China.  相似文献   
干旱缺水等自然灾害会导致小麦产量年度间变幅较大,尤其在小麦主产区黄淮地区更为严重。小麦抗旱节水育种是应对干旱的重大措施。本综述对小麦抗旱节水常规育种、抗旱节水分子遗传育种相关性状QTL定位、抗旱相关功能基因克隆鉴定、转基因等方面的研究进展进行了综述。水旱亲本杂交与异地交叉选择是卓有成效的常规育种方法,通过分子标记鉴定了关于根重、根长、胚芽鞘、高水分利用效率等相关性状的大量QTL;42个抗旱相关基因被克隆并进行基因功能分析和验证,均从不同代谢通路上影响着小麦抗旱性;14个来自不同供体的抗旱相关基因被研究者导入小麦品种后,转基因小麦植株的抗旱能力均得到不同程度的提高,部分植株在产量和其它抗逆性方面也得到提高。以上研究进展为抗旱节水小麦分子设计育种提供了理论依据和发展方向。  相似文献   
为探究拔节期和开花期不同补灌方案对不同穗型冬小麦耗水特性、籽粒产量和水分利用效率的影响,于2017-2019年在山东省泰安市以大穗型品种山农23和中多穗型品种山农29为试验材料,以拔节后无灌水(T1)为对照,设置拔节期补灌目标为0~20 cm土层相对含水率达100%田间持水率(T2)、拔节期和开花期补灌目标为0~20 cm土层相对含水率达100%田间持水率(T3)和拔节期补灌目标为0~40 cm土层相对含水率达100%田间持水率(T4) 3种补灌方案。结果表明,拔节后不同补灌方案对大穗型和多穗型小麦品种影响基本一致。与T1处理相比,T4处理显著提高了0~100 cm土层土壤相对含水率,使60~100 cm土层土壤相对含水率在开花期仍保持较高水平;T3处理显著提高了拔节期0~60 cm和开花期0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水率。与T3处理相比,T4处理的拔节至开花阶段耗水量增加了28.9%,其中对上层土壤总供水的表观消耗量增加了66.4%;T4处理在开花至成熟阶段对深层土壤总供水的表观消耗量增加了68.0%,对上层土壤总供水的表观消耗量降低了37.4%。在开花至成熟期降水较多(121.2 mm)的年份,T4处理的开花至成熟阶段耗水量、开花后旗叶净光合速率和籽粒产量相对于T3处理均无显著变化,但总耗水量较高,水分利用效率显著降低;在开花至成熟期降水较少(45.2 mm)的年份,T4处理的开花至成熟期的阶段耗水量、开花后旗叶净光合速率、籽粒产量和水分利用效率较T3处理均显著降低。因此,在小麦全生育期降水量为111.6~220.2 mm、开花后降水量为45.2~121.2 mm的条件下,大穗型和中多穗型小麦品种均以在拔节期和开花期将0~20 cm土层补灌至100%田间持水率的补灌方案最优,可同时实现高产和高水分利用效率。  相似文献   
研究喀斯特山区不同土地利用方式(耕地、荒草地、退耕还草地和林草间作地)石灰土剖面化学风化特征,探讨矿质元素在石灰土剖面的分布、迁移和富集特征,从不同土地利用方式下土壤风化度,元素淋溶度、迁移度和残积度的角度分析土壤化学风化特征。结果表明:喀斯特山区石灰土剖面氧化物含量以SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3为主,其他氧化物含量相对较低,均属于中等变异元素,SiO2、Al2O3、MgO含量以荒草地较高,CaO、Na2O含量以林草间作地较高,Fe2O3、MnO、P2O5、K2O以耕地较高;研究区土壤处于中等化学风化阶段,富铝化程度弱,不同土地利用方式下荒草地土壤化学蚀变系数较强,林草间作地土壤富铝化程度较高;研究区土壤K、Na、Ca淋失严重,荒草地盐基离子淋失明显,林草间作地盐基离子淋失程度相对较低;土壤Fe、Al相对富集明显,残积程度高,林草间作地Al含量积累明显,退耕还草地Fe含量富集显著;实施“退耕—还草”等增加植被覆盖度的治理模式对土壤的保护作用显著。  相似文献   
为解决减量施肥造成北方寒地水稻肥料供给不足和产量低的问题,以纳米碳增效剂为材料,采用仪器快速检测和植株常规测定分析方法,研究纳米碳添加的常规施肥和减量施肥模式对水稻产量性状和肥料利用效率的影响。结果表明:与常规施肥(CK)相比,纳米碳添加的常规施肥模式(SM-A)、减施氮肥10%(SM-B)和减施氮肥20%(SM-C)对水稻植株形态特征、光合生理特性、产量性状和肥料利用效率产生显著的影响,其中以SM-B增幅最大,SM-A次之,SM-C最小;SM-A、SM-B和SM-C增加经济效益分别为563.56、1374.20和-1391.08元/hm 2,以SM-B增效值最高。本研究表明,SM-B能改善生育期光合生理特性,提高植株产量和肥料利用效率,是寒地水稻较为理想的减量施肥安全利用模式。  相似文献   
为明确不同氮、磷、钾用量对小麦冠层不同层次光截获和干物质分配的影响,以济麦22为供试材料,设置F0(不施肥)、F1(N 180 kg·hm-2,P2O5 75 kg·hm-2,K2O 60 kg·hm-2)、F2(N 225 kg·hm-2,P2O5 120 kg·hm-2,K2O 105 kg·hm-2)和F3(N 270 kg·hm-2,P2O5 165 kg·hm-2,K2O 105 kg·hm-2)4个施肥量处理,比较分析开花后不同氮、磷、钾用量对小麦叶面积指数、冠层不同层次光截获特性和成熟期干物质分配的影响。结果表明,F1处理下叶面积指数显著高于F0处理,而与F2和F3处理间无显著差异;开花后15 d,F1处理下小麦冠层不同层次及总PAR截获率和截获量均显著高于F0处理,而与F2和F3处理间无显著差异。F1处理下成熟期干物质在小麦冠层不同层次营养器官中的分配量、籽粒中的分配量及总干物质积累量显著高于F0处理,而与F2和F3处理间无显著差异。成熟期干物质在小麦冠层不同层次营养器官和籽粒中的分配量以及总干物质积累量与冠层上层(顶部至株高2/3)、中层(株高2/3至株高1/3)和总PAR截获率均呈显著正相关。F1处理(N 180 kg·hm-2,P2O5 75 kg·hm-2,K2O 60 kg·hm-2)为本试验条件下的最优处理。  相似文献   
不同施氮量对冬小麦产量、效益及土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明豫北地区高肥力地块不同施氮量对冬小麦产量、经济效益及土壤理化性状的影响,在安阳市北关区壤质潮土上开展了冬小麦不同施氮量试验,设常规施磷钾肥(W1,CK)、常规施肥减施氮肥30%(W2)、常规施肥减施氮肥15%(W3)、常规施肥减施氮肥5%(W4)、常规施肥(W5)和常规施肥增施氮肥5%(W6)6个处理。结果表明,随着氮肥施用量的减少冬小麦主茎叶龄、次生根数、茎蘖数、株高及穗长等农艺性状呈下降趋势,以W6处理最佳。冬小麦产量随着施氮量的增加呈上升趋势,W4、W5、W6处理与W1处理相比增幅分别达48.7%、48.9%、49.1%,W4、W5、W6处理间差异不显著;但与W2、W3处理间差异达到显著水平。不同施氮量处理经济效益较W1处理均有不同程度增加,W4较W1处理净增效益5 869.80元/hm 2,较W5处理净增效益24.45元/hm 2。不同施氮量处理对土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷、速效钾、缓效钾含量和土壤容重有显著影响,但对pH影响不显著。土壤全氮含量随施氮量的增加呈上升趋势;W4处理土壤容重最低。综合分析,以常规施肥减施氮肥5%处理效果最佳。  相似文献   
Short basal internodes are important for lodging resistance of rice(Oryza sativa L.).Several canopy indices affect the elongation of basal internodes,but uncertainty as to the key factors determining elongation of basal internodes persists.The objectives of this study were(1)to identify key factors affecting the elongation of basal internodes and(2)to establish a quantitative relationship between basal internode length and canopy indices.An inbred rice cultivar,Yinjingruanzhan,was grown in two split-plot field experiments with three N rates(0,75,and 150 kg N ha−1 in early season and 0,90,and 180 kg N ha−1 in late season)as main plots,three seedling densities(16.7,75.0,and 187.5 seedlings m−2)as subplots,and three replications in the 2015 early and late seasons in Guangzhou,China.Light intensity at base of canopy(Lb),light quality as determined from red/far-red light ratio(R/FR),light transmission ratio(LTR),leaf area index(LAI),leaf N concentration(NLV)and final length of second internode(counted from soil surface upward)(FIL)were recorded.Higher N rate and seedling density resulted in significantly longer FIL.FIL was negatively correlated with Lb,LTR,and R/FR(P<0.01)and positively correlated with LAI(P<0.01),but not correlated with NLV(P>0.05).Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that FIL was strongly associated with Lb and LAI(R2=0.82).Heavy N application to pot-grown rice at the beginning of first internode elongation did not change FIL.We conclude that FIL is determined mainly by Lb and LAI at jointing stage.NLV has no direct effect on the elongation of basal internodes.N application indirectly affects FIL by changing LAI and light conditions in the rice canopy.Reducing LAI and improving canopy light transmission at jointing stage can shorten the basal internodes and increase the lodging resistance of rice.  相似文献   
Tournament fishing has risen in popularity over the last half a century. As such, social and financial incentives combined with technological advancements are expected to drive changes in angler's capacity to exploit tournament‐eligible fish stocks, as has been observed in commercial fisheries. The aim of this study was to quantify temporal trends in angler efficiency and their ability to exploit a given fish stock relative to effort in largemouth bass fishing tournaments. A collective analysis across seven Illinois reservoirs comparing change through time in angler catch rates and relative population abundances indicated that angler efficiency has generally improved through time. For the decade from 2005 to 2015, a greater than threefold increase in the efficiency of anglers to exploit a static population of largemouth bass was estimated. Anglers have become more efficient at exploiting populations, which is likely to influence management decisions in the future, particularly in harvest‐orientated fisheries and those reliant upon fishery‐dependent surveys.  相似文献   
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